Barbie.avi - Behind The Video

You see the blonde, which takes a kind of "interview."  She is in the room, sitting on something, furnishings and other items to make out impossible.  As, however, like to hear clear answers girls - too much interference and background noise.  This video apparently was recorded on a tape of the old sample.  Clothing girl outdated - it reminds the visitor of the late 80s - early 90s.
The most terrible, that it may occasionally start to cry, and at the end of the last part of the show that she does not have one hand.  The origin of the recording is still unknown.  Why Barbie - perhaps because Barbie - an abbreviation of the names Barbara.  The heroine of the video as a certain identifiable Barbara Retrieve your lost (on this later).  Some believe that this is an excerpt from a documentary about people who tend to arbitrary amputation of limbs, others think that it is - the same trailer, but from some health benefits.  Still others believe that it is really a video made maniac before he killed the unfortunate girl.
Many believe it is the best video-scare hoax.  But, be that as it may, you can decide how it relates to, and even whether to watch it.  A "officially" The story of the video goes like this.

 Retrieve your lost sisters disappearance

The morning of 17 August 1996, the local police Saville Town (Yorkshire) was reported missing two twenties female twins Barbara and Meghan Retrieve your lost.  Friends and relatives of the nurses reported that they had gone directly from the apartment.  According to the concierge, August 14 at 23.00 frightened by something the girls came out of the house and never returned.  Police interviewed friends, visited the surrounding areas, but did not find no clues.
It has been suggested on the abduction of girls, suspicion fell on numerous Muslim communities Saville Town.  Sent from Dewsbury police raided the Muslim center, but failed to reveal absolutely nothing when it came to the missing girls.
A week later (August 23) on an abandoned railroad teenagers was discovered one of the sisters, she appeared Meghan.  She was unconscious and taken to hospital, where doctors discovered that she was under the influence of psychotropic substances.  Soon doctors normalize Meghan, after which the police decided to question her, but her speech was unclear and inconsistent.  Her stories contained references to the railroad tracks, adjacent woodland and a psychiatric hospital, where she and her sister, allegedly kept all the time under the supervision of a person who is Megan called "he".

 The advent of video

Posted girl was a little strange because of the mental hospital where she said she really existed, and she stood on the border of Saville Town called Onist Azilum.  But it was closed in 1984 due to outdated methods of treatment.  After all proslushennogo police went to the hospital, but did not find any clues, but when they went down to the basement, they found a completely modern tape, which could be seen the name "Barbie".  After learning about the discovery Meghan said that the so-called her sister OH.
Videotape was sent for restoration and digitization in Dewsbury, but staff involved in this, was found hanged in his flat on August 28.  There were found and the remains of the burnt film cassettes, computer monitor was found broken in the yard of an employee, the system as a block, which, presumably, save the results of digitizing records disappeared.  Case Retrieve your lost sisters, and to this day remains unsolved, Barbara Retrieve your lost was declared missing, Meghan Retrieve your lost still refuses to talk about what happened, the content of the video «Barbie» remains a mystery.
However, the Internet can easily see the supposedly "the most" video, which was found in hospital.  Now the video is a type Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv and call it "video ubitsa."

 Video Description "Barbie.avi"

It is known that Barbie.avi consists of 6 parts, but the most common 1, 2 and 4. 3, 5 and 6, according to legend, lost.  Although the Internet can find the so-called full version.
The first thing is to pay attention, is that the video is recorded with the video, convert format Avi.  His other features include interference and distortion, which says that the tape was old and re-dubbed.  Interference also accompanied by a sound effect, like a sharp exclamation.
Operator. When taking the camera, most likely, it was on a tripod.  The camera often takes such a position that the shot gets the girl's head, or crown, sometimes shoulders.
The sound. One can assume that the sound of several superimposed effects.  Sometimes it disappears altogether.
The background. Girl Filming took place against the backdrop of white walls, in the flesh to 3:12 minutes behind the first fragment Barbara noticeable dark doorway, which was subsequently absent.
Disappeared fragments. Disappeared fragments are important in the history of Barbie.avi.  About 3 fragment is known that the user is on You Tube tried to pour it on the site, but could not.  The presence of 5 fragment says that at the end of the fourth fragment has a hint of a sequel.  On the Internet there is also a photo that did not exist in any of the existing episodes.  In episode 6, according to legend, the girl begins to beat in hysterics, and also has a record of operator walking on railroad tracks.

 Unexpected continuation

More recently, the history file Barbie.avi will be continued in the face of some Magen Noyt, alleged sister of a girl with a video.  Appearing in the social network "VKontakte", she told the story of her sister, her murderer and file Barbie.avi.
Below is the correspondence of one of the participants of the thematic group sots.seti with Magen Noyt, in which she declared itself has issued the following message: "That railway line of the murderer" (These railways killer), a request to explain what it means, the answer - "They killed her" (They killed her) and moved into a dialogue PM:
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
Who are you?  Could you tell me what's the truth?
(Who are you? Can you tell me the truth?)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
Remove Barbie
Remove it
(Take away Barbie.
Delete her.)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
I have no Barbie video on my page and I will not bother you anymore.  Just tell me - is this story about BarelyBreathing, Barbie, Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv etc.  real?
(I have on the page no video Barbie and I will not bother you. Just tell me - this whole story about BarelyBreathing, Barbie, Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv and so forth. True?)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
I do not know anything about mereana_mordegard_glesgorv ..
This group (...) there videos.
The girl in the video is Barbara.
I just do not Know how you found this video.
(I do not know anything about Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv ..
Here is a group with these videos.
Girl Video - Barbara.
I just do not know how you found this video.)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
I saw this video on Youtube.  I have no copy of this video on my computer.  Just tell me - what's the hell is going on with the sound of this video?  Why can not we understand anything and where is the lost part of this video?
Answer me, and I will not bother you anymore.  Please.
(I saw it on Youtube. On the computer I do not. Just tell me - what's going on with the sound in this video? Why we can not understand and where the lost part of the video? Tell me, and I fall behind in.)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
The sound was removed from the fact that no one knows what he is talking about
Then he killed her on the railroad.
(The sound was removed so that no one could hear what he says about Barbara.
Then he killed her on the train.)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
He?  Who is he?  Hmm .... And where is the lost part of the video?
(Is he? Who is he? Hmm .... And where the lost part of the video?)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
No, I will not say anything!  I am very hard to remember that day, I will not say anything!
(No, I will not say anything, I do not remember that day, I will not say anything!)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
Please, tell what you could remember.  I understand, that you're in awful condition, but please, help me to prove that this video is not a fake.  Tell me what do you know.
(Please tell me what you remember. I understand that you feel bad, but please help me prove that this video is not fake. Tell me what you know.)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
A video of two girls.Twin sisters.Megan and Barbara.
(Video about the two girls. Twins. Megan and Barbara.)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
Ok.  Where is the lost part of the video?
(Okay. Where the lost part of the video?)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
I do not know who divided the video into parts, it was whole
(I do not know who cut the video into pieces, it was a whole)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
The one who uploaded the video in the internet has cut it into 4 parts.  There are first, second and fourth part in free access.  But the third part is lost.  A couple of times in the video everyone saw, that the girl has no hand.  And in the lost part her skin becomes black.  That's what I know.
What's with her ​​hand and her skin?
(Download the video to the Internet divided it into four parts. In the public domain is the first, second and fourth parts, but the third is lost. A couple of times a video is seen that the girls do not have hands. And lost part of her skin blackens. That's what I know.
So what about her arms and her skin?)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
It happened on that day.Then lost a hand.
About skin I'll not say anything ...
(That's when it happened. The loss of his hands. What about the skin I will not say anything ...)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
How did she lost her hand?  Who is he?
(She lost a hand? Who is he?)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
That city in which we were born - Saville Oniste .. he anymore is not present .. all changed in one day!  I simply want home ....
(City, where we were born - Saville Onist .. he's gone ... everything changed in one day! I want to go home ....)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
So where are you now?
(And where are you now?)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
I will not say you
(So ​​I tell you, and said)
From: Custos Sagittarii
To: Magen Noyt
Ok.  Why did he killed her?
(Okay. Why did he kill her?)
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
It kills and now.
(It's killing now.
From: Magen Noyt
To: Custos Sagittarii
I simply want, that destroyed video.
Not discuss our life.
I simply want, that we were not disturbed!
(I just want to make this video was destroyed.
I do not want to talk about our lives.
I just wish we did not bother!)

The Closing

First of all, attention should be paid to the account Magen Noyt "In Touch" ( - this page is in the public domain are part of the video), against the wishes of women to destroy the video Barbie.avi, by itself published its two parts.  Just great doubt is the low level of knowledge of English, Russian IP, and an account on Facebook (, appeared later account "in contact".  However, this English town Saville it is real and notable railroad tracks and a chain of old bridges.
Unambiguous conclusions about the origin and destination of the video to make, of course, is impossible - it can only tell its author - and he preferred to remain anonymous, and the very mysterious girl who starred in it - her personality, too, has not been established.